Top Considerations When You're Selecting Rainwater Storage Tank for Crop Irrigation

Water is an important input in agriculture; therefore, all farmers need a reliable source of water supply. Rain is one of the most important sources of water for crop farmers. When it rains, the rain pours on the land below and waters farm crops. This relieves farmers of the need to irrigate their crops – at least until the end of the rainy spell. 

Smart farmers understand that countless gallons of water simply run off their properties when it rains. To make the most out of this situation, they normally install rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store some of the water for future use. The water collected is stored in water tanks. This water is a good standby during times of severe drought when even private wells become dry.

If you are presently shopping around for a tank you can use to store harvested rainwater for later use in crop irrigation, here are a number of important things you should consider before you can jump into making a purchase.

Local rainfall patterns

The amount and timing of rainfall in one part of Australia differs from that in another part of the country. This means the climate of the local area where your farm is located will have an impact on your choice of rainwater tank. Find out what the rainwater yield of your local area is, and use this information to select a correctly sized tank. There is no need buying a tank that is too large when your area does not usually receive as much rainfall.

Materials selection 

Rainwater tanks come in various materials, including concrete, steel, plastics, fibreglass and other materials. When choosing a tank, you should be aware that not all materials are equal in terms of durability. If you are looking for a tank you can use for years and years, options like steel and concrete would be ideal, for example. If you are crop farming on leased land and want something for your temporary use, fibreglass and plastic tanks may work okay. 

Aesthetics considerations

Like it or not, your rainwater tank is going to impact the kerb appeal of your farm house because even the smallest rainwater tanks will still not escape the eye of your visitors. Gone are the days when rainwater tanks were simply huge, round and unsightly; these days, they come in an extensive selection of shapes and colours, so you can easily find something that blends well with the look of your exteriors. So take your time to shop around for a tank that will look good outside your home.
